Friday, May 30, 2014

(Brave woman , from Mount Umbaran , Indonesia) Grandma Seeker Firewood

Grandma Seeker Firewood

In this modern era, everything is fast-paced and sophisticated. It used to cook with firewood, and then developed using a kerosene stove, natural gas capitalize upon growing again.

For rural people, who have not been touched by modernization, or because poverty can not afford to buy kerosene and natural gas, cooking using firewood is the best choice .

Sticks which are found around the forest, can be used as firewood. When I was in labor camps in Mount Umbaran, Indonesia, I saw an old woman walking down the hill.

A piece of cloth tied on his back . Inside there is a fabric timber that small twigs just search and collect him in the woods on the hill
Sad indeed see him. He is as old as it is, almost 70 years old has struggled searching for and collecting firewood, both for cooking be used alone or back rest sold to earn a little money.

I saw the old woman hobbled. Old legs look a bit unsteady transport of firewood. His face was flushed, probably due to the sun or in pain due to weight-bearing.

I chased him increasingly away. I gave some money to his pieces. With a smile , he was grateful. I smiled. Indeed, God has established a loyal human way of life.

narrated by Olipe

another story ....

(Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles (Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road (Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Teddy Bear (Chapter 2 of the Novel "Girls of Planet Love")

Teddy Bear

The next day, less than 5 minutes from 8 am, Jasmine had been standing at the door of an old shop selling antiques belonging to Mr. Millner. The store is not open yet. The door was locked.

Jasmine noticed the old store. Stores that may have not been renovated over 30 years. Ornaments glass windows and doors, nuanced 70s. However, the condition of the building is still sturdy and strong. Old antique shop, in harmony with what it sells, the antiques.

Conditions old store, quite different from the existing store next to it. Some sort of cafe that sells food and drinks. Seen from the see-through glass, chairs and tables neatly arranged customers, and there are small bars. The food store has not opened.

"Good morning, Miss Green."

Jasmine was shocked. There is a severe reprimand and a hoarse voice from behind.

Jasmine turned and replied, "Oh. Mr. Millner ..."

It turns out that Mr. Millner reprimand.
He unlocked the door of the shop directly. Jasmine motioned to the rear.

The first day's work, Mr. Millner tell what Jasmine work.
That day, Jasmine as interns are studying. Mr. Millner explains and exemplifies the work to be done Jasmine.

Morning, Jasmine mopping floors, glass windows and doors shop. Then clean up and care for antiques. Each treatment is different goods. Need to be extra careful.
Because it can damage. Jasmine also doubles as a shop assistant, serving customers who come.

Almost at 10 am, Mr. Millner explain everything. Jasmine has begun to understand his duties.

However, there is a strange Jasmine notice. Two hours Mr Millner stores open, no one was coming buyer. Jasmine see Mr. Millner was busy reading a book sitting at his desk.

"Antiques shop. Endangered. Maybe they will come to is that humans antique and rare as well." Jasmine muttered to myself.

"Miss Green ..." Call Mr. Millner. Not moved from his seat behind the desk.
Jasmine rushed over to Mr. Millner.

"Yes. Mr. Millner. What can I help you?" Jasmine asked.

"Hour 1 day later, you go to the shop next door. Take 2 servings food. As both of us lunch. "Mr Millner said, taking off his glasses, put them on the table.

"The payoff?" Jasmine asked again.

"Tell me, enter my bills. I've talk to the manager." Mr Millner said.

"Continue to work again!" Mr Millner said again.

Mr. Millner continued longer read books. Replacing the glasses back. Drowning engrossed with the book.

Jasmine cursory look at the front cover of the book being read Mr Millner. Titled "The Adventures of Indiana Jones". The cover already looks shabby, shabby state of the whole book as well.

Perhaps, it is one of the antique books that sold Mr. Millner, guess Jasmine in the liver. He saw Mr. Millner's antique shop, also sells books and old magazines.

As directed Mr. Millner, about his work, clean-up is complete, Jasmine duty and serving customers waiting to see or buy antiques.

Jasmine sat in seats available in the store. Jasmine seats are occupied, a wooden structure and polesannya paint looks old. What's chair he was sitting on, one belonging to Mr Millner antiques, which are sold in this store? Jasmine asked in the liver.

Jasmine sat facing the door of the store. His body was pinned by antiques, as if locked herself. Body size, weight of 53 kilo grams and 167 cm high, almost invisible in the crowd antiques.

Jasmine noticed all the antiques. Various jars in various sizes. Various miscellaneous dolls. Old books and magazines, which historically valuable. There are also items of jewelry shaped craft from various countries. Jasmine outlook focused on the necklace that consists of a series of bones and teeth of animals are hung on one side of the store.

One hour no stopping buyers. One belonging to Mr. Millner antiques, antique wall clock antique chime tree sedekapan magnitude. The bell rang 11 times. That means the clock has been shown at 11 noon.

Jasmine enveloped boredom. Sleepiness was also attacked. He yawned long enough. Similar lion yawning, exhausted satiety eating its prey.

It occurred in the heart of Jasmine, to dispel the boredom, he wanted to read one of the books or magazines belonging to Mr Millner antique.

However, Jasmine knows herself. He did not want presumptuous. As a new employee who recently worked one day, do not be polite, if he read one book or magazine antique, without asking permission at Mr. Millner.

Jasmine rose from his seat, walked slowly toward Mr. Millner, who are absorbed in reading a book. Mr. Millner correcting glasses position.

"Yes. Ms. Green. Anybody can I help you?"
asked Mr. Millner. The interrogative sentence, uttered by Mr. Millner right in the last footsteps of Jasmine, who stopped and stood facing Mr. Millner. The old man, his eyes still focused in the direction of the book. The antique shop owner, like having a sixth sense, without notice, able to determine the presence of Jasmine in front of him.

"Mr Millner. Permitted to ask permission for something?" Jasmine pleaded.

"Yes. Say!" Mr Millner said. This time, looking at Jasmine. Mr Millner glasses lens position down to the middle of the magnitude of the sharp nose. Jasmine smiled at it. Funny thought. Small glass lens eyes, nose pinched Mr Millner great.

"May I read a book or magazine in the antique's shop. I exposed diiserang boredom and sleepiness. Maybe by reading something, they can be lost." Jasmine pleaded.

Mr. Millner has not been answered. Think for a moment. Then the wise saying, "Perhaps. But, be careful! Do not ruin it!”

"Certainly, sir. I will not let down the trust Mr. Millner." Jasmine said smiling happily. Dimples on both cheeks look when Jasmine widening smile. Adding beauty.

After getting permission to Mr. Millner, Jasmine returned to his seat. Previously he chose one who wanted to read a magazine. Knowledge of music magazine 70s. Publishing in August 1977. Telling the story of a special Elvis Presley. Ranging from career and before his death.

The sound of the door creaks open. Although only a few times to hear, Jasmine memorized sound really old shop door belonging to Mr. Millner is, when it is opened. Door hinges distinctive sound.

Jasmine closed the magazine he was reading. Looking toward the door.

A middle-aged man, a black shirt black pants entered the store. Soon jasmine stood, he read magazine put into place. Rushing greet the man.

"Can I help you, sir?" Jasmine asked politely.

"Really here selling antiques?" a man asked.

"Yes. Anybody looking sir?"

"I've been looking at some antique stores in major cities. However, I also have not been found. Was here selling a limited edition Teddy Bear was made between 1910 and 1920?"

"Here it is available Teddy Bears, but whether it is the master looking for, I had to ask voters this store. Lord I hope not wait a minute."

Jasmine rushed over to Mr. Millner. Explain the intent of the guests.

Not long Mr Millner has been dealing with the guests.

"Hi. My name is Jonathan Lee." a man introduced himself, shook hands with Mr. Millner and Jasmine.

Mr Millner signaled, so that Mr. Lee gave time. Mr. Lee took the doll that purpose.

After getting the doll, Mr. Millner immediately approached Mr. Lee.

"This is Mr. Lee mean?" Mr. Millner submit cute teddy bear shaped. Twice as large as an adult head. Feathers smooth and brown.
Mr. Lee's eyes sparkled welcome doll. Researching a moment, then asked, "How much is it, sir?"

Mr. Millner did not answer. Pointing price tag on the doll.

"4500 dollars. Could be less, sir?" Mr. Lee bid.

"I cut 200 dollars. 4300 dollars. Agree?"

"What about 4000 dollars?" bargaining Mr. Lee again.

"This is the last, 4200 dollars. Goods nice, good price, for a gentleman who understands the quality of the goods."
Mr Millner said.

"Good. Deal. Disagree. I'm memorandum of purchase."


After Mr. Lee left carrying away the stuffed Teddy Bear, handed over the cash price of the corresponding agreements, Mr. Millner smiling happily.

Mr Millner told Jasmine, that it has been 4 days the store does not sell any antiques. Lastly, sells ethnic bracelets made of shark teeth from Africa, for $ 200 dollars.

Teddy Bears who had long displayed in the store sold these days, that's what makes Mr. Millner excited. Mr. Millner story, that the doll was purchased for 150 dollars from his old friend, two years ago.

Seeing the old man merry, merry Jasmine were also dissolved. Although only one day know, Jasmine believes the old man who became the boss, is a good man.

continued ....

If you want to see previous story   Chapter-1


Monday, May 26, 2014

New Shop Employees (Chapter 1 of the Novel "Girls of Planet Love")

The old store is located on the Western road at Ohio State. The owner is an old man who has aged 74 years. Jacob Millner, his name. Mr. Millner retired U.S. Air Force.

The store relics of Lord Milner's father. Deciding he connects his father's business, which sells antiques, after his father died. Just then, Mr. Millner recently retired from the military.

Many antiques are sold. From various countries, such as Japan, China, the middle-East, Africa, Europe and America itself. Antiques such as jars, pin, logo, limited edition dolls, baseball cards the players of various generations, the discs first black singer, and others.

Indeed antiques no measure price. That is art. Collectors will pay any price, as long as the antiques he wanted something.

That afternoon. Around 12 noon. The door was opened old brown one. Sign a girl of about 22 years into the store. Directly facing Mr. Millner.

"What can I help you? There are ladies looking for antiques?" Mr. Millner asked politely.

"Sorry, sir. I'm not looking for antiques. I want to apply for a job here. Listed in front of the store" Need female employee who is still singgle ". Incidentally I qualified it." said the young girl,. Shook hands with Mr. Millner. Thrusting closed yellow folder, containing the biography girl.

"Oh. Come follow me!" invite Mr. Millner.

Mr. Millner led the girl to a room in the corner of the store. It appears, workbench space Mr Millner. There is a small table. Plus two chairs facing each other, which is on the table. Mr. Millner invited the girl sitting in a chair in front of the table, while he was sitting in the other chair.

Mr. Millner has not spoken. He opened the folder. Issuing copies of the pages containing the biography girl. Read it slowly. Listening as detailed as possible.

After listening satisfied. Mr. Millner close the return envelope. Looking at the girl's face. Young girls who are not classified as beautiful. Not exactly ugly anyway. But, her face unsightly. His face was rounded oval, small sharp nose.

Even without make-up, his face white glow. Her skin is different, unlike most skin pale-skinned American girl. His hair was blond, shoulder length exceeded.

"Why Miss Green would apply for a job at my old shop? While I see the biodata Miss Jasmine Green is a graduate of literature." Mr Millner said. Full name of the lady.

"I want to find work experience. Incidentally I also lovers of antiques." said the girl whose full name is Jasmine Green.

"But a small salary. Very little.'s Just 20 dollars a day. Nowadays, it is hard to sell antiques. Within a day, not necessarily of the antiques sold. Fact never, in a week I do not sell the antiques too."

"It's all right, sir. Calls what is appropriate to call Mr. Sir ..."

"Mr. Millner. My name is Jacob Millner. You can call me, Jacob or Mr. Millner. "

"I prefer to call Mr. Millner."

"Mr Millner is more familiar. If you agree with my salary offer earlier. Then you should work from tomorrow." Mr Milner said.

"I agree with Mr. Millner salary offer. Hopefully I will not disappoint."

"Good. Tomorrow Miss Green has been allowed to work. Starting at 8 am to 4 pm. Monday to Friday. Holiday shop Saturday and Sunday. Gajihan every Saturday. If many antiques sold, there is a bonus for you. "

"Thank you Mr. Milner. I hope I do not disappoint you later." Jasmine said.

"Yes. Thank you again."
Jasmine stood up and shook hands with Mr. Milner. Then farewell home. Out of the old stores that sell these antiques. 

continued ...



Sunday, May 25, 2014

(Brave Woman of Mamasa , Sulawesi Barat, Indonesia ) Old Grandmother Work For Breaking Stones

Grandma stone crushers

The sun had not yet risen, but Limbong, 65 -year -old woman who lived in a village in Mamasa, West Sulawesi, had to walk to the river to look for stones.

The road is steep and slippery as far as 2 kilometers from the hut must be earlier stops every morning in order to get boulders to make ends meet with her husband.

Since her husband was paralyzed by a stroke 10 years ago, this couple needs borne by grandma Limbong. Lack of job opportunities and skills grandmother forced to survive as laborers pemacah stone.

"Here's this kid, I was forced into a stone breaker because the father has been sick and can not work," said grandma Limbong .

Early in the morning, grandma Limbong was at the river mouth. Slowly he began to collect stones the size of a fist. The cold water of the Mamasa not be a barrier for grandma Limbong. After quite a lot, she then took him back to the house.

"The stone I lift little by little into the street because I did not bring a stone much stronger," said grandma Limbong.

The stones are already collected is then broken with a hammer weighing 5 pounds up to be a small stone. Within a month, villagers Bombonglambe, District Mamasa, is only able to produce two cubic gravel that cost no more than 200,000 IRD. About 17 dollars American.

But not infrequently owned gravel grandma Limbong just piled in front of the house for up to three months because there are no buyers. When the pebble not sell, grandma Limbong forced to collect timber and then sold into the market.

After work breaking stone or timber collecting, grandma Limbong job unfinished. Mother who abandoned her child to wander outside the country did not forget to take care of the kitchen and serve the husband who just lying in bed. Quite often the elderly is just a cup of coffee as a booster stomach hunger if they run out of rice supply.

This condition is often invites attention to the people around. Lina, grandma Limbong neighbors, for example, often helps grandma Limbong.

"We used to pity sir , are old and no one to help earn a living, her husband is also sick," said Lina .

Mamasa river as a witness just how hard struggle grandma Limbong grandmother make ends meet with her husband and a grandchild.
After all, the difficulties and poverty does not make grandma Limbong resigned.

source : narrated by

Another story will touch your heart …
-(Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles -(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road -(Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks Grandma Seeker Firewood

Friday, May 23, 2014

Sinopsis Novel DILAN: DIA ADALAH DILANKU TAHUN 1990, karya Pidi Baiq

cover novel Dilan 1990

“Milea kamu cantik, tapi aku belum mencintaimu. Enggak tahu kalau sore. Tunggu aja.”
(Dilan 1990)

 “Milea jangan pernah bilang ke aku ada yang menyakitimu., nanti besoknya, orang itu akan hilang.” (Dilan 1990)

 “Cinta sejati adalah kenyamanan, kepercayaan, dan dukungan. Kalau kamu tidak setuju, aku tidak peduli. “ (Milea 1990)

Itu sinopsis pendek dari situs, tentang buku novel DILAN: DIA ADALAH DILANKU TAHUN 1990

Novel yang menceritakan seorang  perempuan bernama Milea yang sudah menikah dan dikaruniai seorang anak. Di malam hari ia bernostalgia dengan masa lalunya, dengan kenangan semasa SMA di kota Bandung yang indah. Dengan gaya bahasa khas Pidi Baiq setiap rangkaian katanya mengalunkan jiwa, membuat para wanita yang membaca jatuh cinta pada sosok Dilan dan berharap menjadi Milea di tahun 1990.

‘Dilan’ sendiri bercerita tentang Milea yang memutar ingatannya ke belakang. Saat Dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang cowok  anak geng motor bernama Dilan. Padahal Milea sudah punya pacar di Jakarta.  Dilan selalu punya banyak cara unik yang membuat Milea meleleh. Dengan Bahasa yang dikemas ringan dan senantiasa mengundang tawa, khas Pidi Baiq, menjadi kekuatan novel ini.

Gaya tulisan penulisnya Pidi Baiq, kalimatnya terasa ringan, mengalir dan hidup karena diselingi dengan kalimat dialog bahasa lisan yang kata-katanya terkadang ajaib. Kalimatnya terasa aneh dan diluar nalar terkadang kata-katanya berlompatan.

Membaca novel ini, anda akan terbuai romantisme kota Bandung pada masa tahun 90-an dan kisah cinta anak SMA di tahun yang sama.

Menurut Mas Benny Ramdhani bukunya telah cetak ulang dua kali kurang dari sebulan. Kini proses cetak yang ketiga. 5000 eksemplar percetak.

Buku cetak kedua novel "Dilan"

Kisah cinta Dilan dan Milea ini, semoga difilmkan. Seperti kisah-kisah cinta sepasang anak manusia lainnya. Romeo and Juliet. Galih dan Ratna. Rangga dan Cinta. Lalu siapa yang memproduserinya. Mungkin hanya mbak Mira Lesmana yang pantas. Karena berpengalaman membuat film-film dari novel best seller seperti Laskar Pelangi.  Layak kita tunggu kisah cinta Dilan dan Milea ini difilmkan.

Pidi Baiq melayani tanda-tangan penggemarnya di buku karyanya "Dilan",  pada acara peluncuran buku di Bandung
Sumber :, Zahra dan Benny Ramdhani di kompasiana.
Mau tahu sedikit bocoran novelnya, ini ceritanya Bocoran Novel DILAN Bagian 1 s/d 5


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rahasia Cara Teknik Injeksi Isi Tinta Printer Canon IP 2770

Printer Canon IP 2770

Mengikuti perkembangan zaman, sekarang Canon mengeluarkan seri printer bersistem infus. Tinta diisi di wadah khusus yang telah tersedia, sesuai warnanya. Dengan sistem ini, kondisi tinta lebih mudah dipantau. Jika terlihat berkurang bisa langsung ditambah.

Bagaimana dengan seri yang lama? Seperti Canon IP 2770, yang masih menggunakan sistem injeksi/suntik untuk mengisi tinta.

Saya berbagi pengalaman dalam mengisi tinta pada printer Canon seri IP 2770. Setelah memakai cukup lama memakai, dan keseringan mengisi tinta, akhirnya saya menemukan cara untuk mengisi tinta yang mudah, cepat dan tanpa tangan belepotan tinta.

Contoh catridge yang sudah dibor

Ternyata, rahasianya di cardtrige. Lubang-lubang cartridge tinta diperbesar dengan cara dibor. Setelah dibor, baru menginjeksi tinta dengan alat suntik lebih mudah, karena ketika disuntik tinta langsung mengenai busa yang ada di dalam cartridge. Untuk jasa bor, bisa dilakukan di penyalur cartridge.

Demikian tips kecil dari saya, semoga bermamfaat.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road

Of course we all know the island of Bali . In a biographical study of Indonesia, one of Indonesia's most beautiful attractions and is visited Bali. The island is considered to be beautiful like heaven. The residence of the gods.

However , some say that we should be concerned, flipped the exotic and beauty of the Island. In the city of Denpasar, the capital city, the province of Bali, Indonesia, is a 60 -year -old mother named Fatma, living by herself in the metropolitan city.

He walked down the streets of the city, picking up the nails. Take a walk every day over more than 16 miles.

Armed with over 80 centimeters of wooden stick, the end of it given magnetic iron, grandmother Fatma rigid and impatient sort and select the nail is in the outskirts of the city street. Sweat dripping sweat and pegalnya leg legs not delay.

Legs weak and slow moving, also sometimes seek acceleration. Her passion smoldering pile of nails sidelines. Nails are collected grandmother Fatma , then put in a sack as basketball. When it accumulates, grandmother Fatma sell to artisans pengepul iron and nails near her home. Sack of nails appreciated by pengepul about Rp.10.000,- until Rp.20.000,- (depending how severe).

Such day-to- day life of a nail grandmother Fatma .

His own life in a wallow of the dollar. Living in a rented house which is very small, which can not be called decent living , paying rent of Rp.100.000 a mont. When rainfall occurs, water entering the house.

However, there is a miracle of God that is owned by the grandmother Fatma. Each walk and greeted people, always smiling grandmother Fatma. Although poor, his grandmother Fatma open. Nice to talk to the people he met. Her smile is always expanding. Smile makes us follow the spirit. The rigors of life on the street turned out to be able to remove the smile grandmother Fatma.

As old as he, should be accompanied sitting grandchildren funny and naughty. Communicating enjoy their twilight years. Ah, that's just an illusion of a shadow.


Source : General told tastefully by Agung Soni at Kompasiana .

Another story .....
(Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks (Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles Grandma Seeker Firewood

(Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks

Mariana Ompu grandmother's name. A native of the village Pintu Bosi, one village on the island Sumantera, Indonesia. At the age of dusk, nearly seventy years old, he had to walk tens of kilometers peddle two merchandise, the tape and the cassava chips. Two Indonesian food comes from processed potatoes.  

Indeed, life is not fair. Grandma is supposed to rest in his old age, accompanied his grandchildren, encouraging his children, sleeping and lounging on a soft mattress and pillows, but the grandmother had to struggle to make a profit which in terms of material not so much.  

That's why, whatever your current situation. Celebrate! Because maybe, your situation better than Ompu Mariana. Who in his old age still have to struggle to live find a bite of food.  

Source: the story of Leonardo in kompasiana. 

Another Story :  

(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road (Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles Grandma Seeker Firewood

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Anomali Coffe, Kafe Kopi yang menyajikan Kopi Asli Indonesia

Pembeda manusia dengan makhluk lainnya adalah akal. Manusia memiliki akal, sedang makhluk lain tidak. Dengan akal itu, jika manusia mampu memaksimalkannya, maka manusia akan mampu berbuat sesuatu yang mungkin tidak pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya.

Manusia dapat memikirkan besi yang secara fisika tenggelam di air, mampu dijadikan kapal yang berjalan di atas air. Besi yang secara fisika, tidak bisa melayang di udara, namun dengan akal pikiran manusia, akhirnya besi bisa terbang di udara dan mengantar ratusan manusia menuju suatu tempat.

Dengan akal ini pula, manusia dapat dapat memikirkan bisnis, yang menjadi sumber penghasilannya. Seperti manusia memikirkan ayam. Dengan daya pikir manusia, ayam bisa dijadikan bisnis makanan yang sangat menguntungkan. Kita tahu, ada beberapa bisnis ayam goreng yang usahanya mendunia.

Binatang tidak bisa memikirkan bisnis. Tidak pernah kita dengar ada seekor binatang yang memimpin sebuah bisnis. Memang ada di Jepang, sekelompok monyet dijadikan pelayan restoran. Menyambut tamu, menyerahkan menu makanan kepada tamu, lalu membawa menu pesanan ke koki restoran.

Yang dilakukan monyet tersebut, sebatas melayani. Tidak berpikir. Monyet melakukan itu, karena berdasarkan insting. Insting yang dihasilkan dari latihan-latihan. Latihan-latihan yang jadi efektif dengan iming-iming beberapa biji pisang.

Adalah Agam dan Irvan Helmi, dua pemuda Indonesia. Kedua anak muda tersebut memikirkan sebuah usaha, yang menu utamanya kopi dan kopinya itu adalah kopi asli Indonesia.

Tahun 2007, kedua anak muda tersebut, memulai bisnisnya. Konsepnya sederhana, mendirikan Kafe tempat nongkrong yang hip dan nyaman, serta berusaha mempromosikan kopi Indonesia. Mereka memberi Kafe kopi mereka, Anomali Coffe.

Kopi dan cemilan seru tidak lengkap tanpa tempat yang nyaman. Sengaja didesain dengan konsep industrial minimalis, Anomali Coffe terkesan ramah dan bikin betah. Belum lagi, banyaknya karung-karung kopi yang sengaja diletakkan di sekitar cafe dan konsep semi-open kitchen, bikin kita makin terasa dekat dengan dunia kopi.

Dengan hadirnya Anomali Coffe ini, sebagai pilihan alternatif bagi penikmat kopi, utamanya orang Indonesia sendiri yang ingin menikmati kopi hasil perkebunan kopi di seluruh Indonesia.

Seperti kopi Aceh Gayo organik, kopi Bali Kintamani, kopi Flores Bajawa, kopi Mandailing, kopi Toraja, kopi Kalosi, kopi Java Jampit, kopi Papua Wamena sampai kopi Luwak.

Berbagai menu seru buat yang wajib kita coba di sini adalah Black Pearl Espresso, Irish Banana Nut Latte, Black Forest Latte, Orange Honey Kiss, atau Hot Chocolate-nya yang menggoda. Selain minuman kopi, coklat dan teh, berbagai snack kecil seperti french fries dan club sandwich juga siap menemani kita nongkrong bareng.

Kini ada 6 outlet Anomali Coffe yang tersebar di dua kota, Jakarta dan Bali. Menurut Irvan Helmi, mereka tidak terlalu ngotot untuk membuka banyak cabang. Kualitas yang diutamakan. Omzet perbulan Anomali Coffe bisa mencapai 3 milyar lebih, dengan memperkerjakan karyawan sekitar 80 orang.

Berikut salah satu alamatnya yang ada di Jakarta ;

Anomali Coffee
Kategori: Cafe
Alamat: Jl. Senopati No. 35 dan Setiabudi Building Lantai 1, Jakarta
Telp: (021) 5292 0102
Jam Operasional:
Senin - Kamis : 09.00 - 00.00
Jumat - Sabtu : 09.00 - 02.00
Minggu : 09.00 - 00.00
Harga: Rp. 18.000-Rp. 100.000