Friday, May 16, 2014

(Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles

                                       Grandmother was walking while holding his grandson, Fang

Always love gave birth to amazing things , which makes most of us in awe of the greatness of the power contained in love .

A 66-year-old grandmother, delivering daily handicapped grandson to school as far as four miles (round-trip) every day by way of holding his granddaughter .

Not on the road and a large flat , but along the path around the mountain, with the geographical conditions and the decline in suburban areas uphill Yibin , Szechuan province . China. Tirelessly grandmother , her granddaughter while holding down a path around the mountain . And , they were never late for school .

It began, when Fang Qiu May born with abnormal foot conditions. Fang makes it difficult to stand up, to stand the Fang feel pain. Fang is only able to stand a few minutes with the help of crutches, or a wooden stick. Under these conditions, Fang found it difficult to walk and always needed help to move .

When Fang was two years old , his parents divorced, his father left home and his mother remarried. Then Fang handed over to his grandparents. But unfortunately, the condition is also ailing grandfather. As a result, grandfather and Fang Fang 's own, highly dependent on the grandmother .

So that Fang was not late for school, grandma usually wake up at five, and prepare everything that is needed for Fang and her return trip.

Then began the journey as far as two kilometers it is by holding Fang, along the path on the mountain road. Everything is done in order to see his grandchildren as well as studying children's peer Fang .

Walk as far as 4 miles on mountain roads uneven would be a very laborious task, even for healthy young man though. Especially if it has to be done by a grandmother who was aged 66 years. Not to mention , he also had to carry Fang, who weighs about 80 pounds, and not including the weight of the girl's school bag .

The grandmother apparently been doing the routine for the last five years, so if he counted so far have traveled more than 8000 miles.

Fortunately, after they published a story to the media, local government has moved the family to a place near the school Fang. They also prepared a wheelchair for Fang, so she has more freedom of movement, without having to continue to rely on his grandmother . The government has also asked local medical institutions to see if there is hope to be able to walk again Fang.

Source : Iskandar Zulkarnain the narrated in kompasiana

Another Story ...
(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road (Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks Grandma Seeker Firewood

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