Tuesday, May 20, 2014

(Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks

Mariana Ompu grandmother's name. A native of the village Pintu Bosi, one village on the island Sumantera, Indonesia. At the age of dusk, nearly seventy years old, he had to walk tens of kilometers peddle two merchandise, the tape and the cassava chips. Two Indonesian food comes from processed potatoes.  

Indeed, life is not fair. Grandma is supposed to rest in his old age, accompanied his grandchildren, encouraging his children, sleeping and lounging on a soft mattress and pillows, but the grandmother had to struggle to make a profit which in terms of material not so much.  

That's why, whatever your current situation. Celebrate! Because maybe, your situation better than Ompu Mariana. Who in his old age still have to struggle to live find a bite of food.  

Source: the story of Leonardo in kompasiana. 

Another Story :  

(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road (Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles Grandma Seeker Firewood

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