Tuesday, May 20, 2014

(Brave Women From the island of Bali, Indonesia) Grandma Fatma, Nail Collector Road

Of course we all know the island of Bali . In a biographical study of Indonesia, one of Indonesia's most beautiful attractions and is visited Bali. The island is considered to be beautiful like heaven. The residence of the gods.

However , some say that we should be concerned, flipped the exotic and beauty of the Island. In the city of Denpasar, the capital city, the province of Bali, Indonesia, is a 60 -year -old mother named Fatma, living by herself in the metropolitan city.

He walked down the streets of the city, picking up the nails. Take a walk every day over more than 16 miles.

Armed with over 80 centimeters of wooden stick, the end of it given magnetic iron, grandmother Fatma rigid and impatient sort and select the nail is in the outskirts of the city street. Sweat dripping sweat and pegalnya leg legs not delay.

Legs weak and slow moving, also sometimes seek acceleration. Her passion smoldering pile of nails sidelines. Nails are collected grandmother Fatma , then put in a sack as basketball. When it accumulates, grandmother Fatma sell to artisans pengepul iron and nails near her home. Sack of nails appreciated by pengepul about Rp.10.000,- until Rp.20.000,- (depending how severe).

Such day-to- day life of a nail grandmother Fatma .

His own life in a wallow of the dollar. Living in a rented house which is very small, which can not be called decent living , paying rent of Rp.100.000 a mont. When rainfall occurs, water entering the house.

However, there is a miracle of God that is owned by the grandmother Fatma. Each walk and greeted people, always smiling grandmother Fatma. Although poor, his grandmother Fatma open. Nice to talk to the people he met. Her smile is always expanding. Smile makes us follow the spirit. The rigors of life on the street turned out to be able to remove the smile grandmother Fatma.

As old as he, should be accompanied sitting grandchildren funny and naughty. Communicating enjoy their twilight years. Ah, that's just an illusion of a shadow.


Source : General told tastefully by Agung Soni at Kompasiana .

Another story .....
(Brave Women of Sumatra, Indonesia) Ompu Mariana, Walking Kilometers Dozens Hawking Snacks (Brave Woman from Chinese) Grandma (66) Hold Grandson to School So Far 8 Miles Grandma Seeker Firewood

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